Download the free e-book: The Five Speedy Steps to Life Balance using the EDITH principle
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Why The Wife Coach is very important for you to understand. It's part of my story; what makes me who I am, and keeps me passionate about spreading The Wife Coach message.

My mum Edith, was a bright and funny woman, I say 'was' as she died over 10 years ago due to lung cancer. She was a pub landlady and a friend to many a stranger as well as those who knew her well, she taught me all I know about communication and how to relate to people young and old.

I know my mum would have thought life coaching was a middle class kind of fad, she would definitely have seen the benefits and thought it was a good idea on the whole, but my guess is she would not really have taken time to have coaching, think through how amazing she really was and appreciate what an incredible impact she had on others, and praise herself for her many skills and talents.

I remember when she was diagnosed with lung cancer. It was a shock; the tumour was as large as a fist. The specialist told us it was probably cancer and showed us the x-ray, and then we went to the cafe for a coffee to let it all sink in a bit. She looked 'faraway' her eyes, they seemed to be focussed beyond me into perhaps another world, I asked if she was alright (silly thing to ask but what else to say at that time, nothing made sense and it was all too painful) she said, in her inimitable Lancashire woman type way,

Bloody hell and I was just starting to enjoy myself’.

Those words have been my driving force since, I didn't ask what she meant I kind of knew… she was 62, always worked, brought up two children, kept the home, looked after us all, had a job that she enjoyed but never really had her own money with freedom to spend on what she wanted, whenever she wanted.

Now we were grown up, she had a cleaning job and the money bought her things she wanted when she wanted, she had joined a choir, she worked in a nursing home cooking and chatting to the old folks and loving it, she took walks with dad in the small village they lived in, holding hands and enjoying each others' company as a couple, in short she was coming into her own life again, after putting things on hold for years to fulfil the roles she had in life… Then it was gone, too soon, too painfully and too bloody late to relish for any length of time the rediscovery of Edith the 'me'…

The Wife Coach is about helping women to enjoy life now, because waiting until the time is right, isn't a good enough reason to wait

In memory of mum and because I know she would think it was the right thing to do, if you would like to donate to the Christie Hospital in Manchester who looked after her so well, or Cancer research UK who are constantly finding new cures and relief for cancer sufferers please follow the links below:
• Christie Hospital Manchester •
• Cancer Research •

Mum was always amazed that people were so generous in giving blood, she used to say “but for those people who give blood what would I have done and people like me who needed it?“. If you would like to look into this and offer your blood to help others please follow the link below.
• The National Blood Service •

Download the free e-book: The Five Speedy Steps to Life Balance using the EDITH principle

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Contact Christine on 0771 858 4643

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Website design by Caherine Byrne